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  • Werivar Mod

    DiXiE 19 years ago
    Yes, i am quite sure, i will put screenshot on my page and then put link here, so you can see it. Version Notrium 1.341, Werivar 1.05 (newest one i found - here on monkkonen net)

    Another problem: Why werivar evades atack and suffers from secondary effects (paralize from droid attack)

    I am in work, so that screenshot will be tomorow

    so, screenshot is here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Raiden 19 years ago
    is it normal that my character keeps freezing and moving slowly after i have landed to planet?
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    I had the same problem. If you downloads the new version of Notrium, the problem will disappear.
    Remember to delete the old notrium version first.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    I had the same problem. If you downloads the new version of Notrium, the problem will disappear.
    Remember to delete the old notrium version first.

    You should also remember to install the new version before playing.
    Raiden 19 years ago
    i was wondering why i couldnt start notrium
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Allright, people. Let us not give Quanrian reason to lock this again.

    Anyway, I have made some progress even though the weekend was busy.
    But before I go there, let me answer some questions.

    "DiXie" said:
    Yes, i am quite sure, i will put screenshot on my page and then put link here, so you can see it.
    Allright, I'll fix that.

    "DiXie" said:
    Another problem: Why werivar evades atack and suffers from secondary effects (paralize from droid attack)
    Yes, i have known about that problem for a long time. Unfortunately there is no way to solve that other than making two weapons of each kind, one for werivar and one for others. This is also slightly difficult to apply on creature weapons. So, I took the lazy way and simply said in the readme that he can only evade damage.

    Progress: Fixed alien evolution. Having problems with item given via scripts. (More than one active inventory). Will work again this coming weekend.
    Raiden 19 years ago
    i got 2 questions.
    first how am i supposed to kill those big red aliens?my weapons wont do shit to them,and second question,how am i supposd to get to those desert mines when there are fucking million turrets shooting me
    ville 19 years ago
    The new mod idea sounds great! You could do all sorts of funky plot-related stuff by making the player play areas he's already been in with another character.
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    @ Raiden: It is hard for first time, i know it myself Best and easy one is to build warp drill gun. It is powerfull, shoots a few screens away and it have wide spread. Second - dont get to them unless you developed some levels and have lot of health and good weapon. Or build yourself lot of advenced turrets with pulse gun or dual barrel pistol. And SAVE often

    If you want to know how it looks with lot of towers look here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Raiden 19 years ago
    thanks but how i build warp drill gun?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I suspect combining Warp Gun or just Warp Coil with something else, perhaps some sort of drill (if there are any)?
    Raiden 19 years ago
    there are strange blue kamikaze things at mining fields,they seem to be unlimited cus they kill them selfs even when theu arent near me,how can i stop them and what weapon would be good?they are so fast that i dont have much time to aim.
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    spoiler---> not too easy. it is ordinary tazer (not v-corp) with warpcoil -> warp gun. Now combine powered accelerator (energy unit with particle accelerator) with fuel cell -> Radiator. Combine radiator with used beacon (use unlit beacon and pick it up) -> beacon ray. Combine beacon ray with warp gun -> warpdrill. Now the worst. You must find or make crystals that are inside vcorp base in mining area or next to rafinery in west of hive (you can break up those powered generators and take out that crystal you need). Combine that crystal with warpdrill and you have warp drill gun. Some problems: You cannot break it up and as far as i know, there is only one ordinary tazer <--- spoiler

    blue kamikaze? You mean rockets? That is a rocket from really deadly robots good against these is beacon ray or machinegun towers
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    Another Spoiler --> Ahh, grasshoppah... yet there IS more than one taser (relates to spoiler above)... there are two other rocks which hide them, one is in East Hive, just left of the north entrance to the catwalks through the lava is one... <--
    The game is a bit unbalanced, raiden. It is mostly geared toward the Werivar... if you play as the werivar, youll find it's a lot easier to kill the turrets after you get the slow time ability. Next, these blue missiles come from BattleDroids, which are quite hard to kill themselves.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "eddeshun" said:
    Another Spoiler --> Ahh, grasshoppah... yet there IS more than one taser (relates to spoiler above)... there are two other rocks which hide them, one is in East Hive, just left of the north entrance to the catwalks through the lava is one... <--


    I have played notrium since v. 1.2, and I DID NOT NOTICE THAT!!!!
    O man.

    Or is the second tazor only in werivar mod??
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    @ville: Thanks, ville. I was mostly thinking of the nice plot twists and things I could do this way, not the hundreds of problems that would jump up.

    @Everyone: My mod isn't easy, and is not meant for inexperienced players. I'm not saying that there are some that can't play it, just that you will find it somewhat more challenging than normal notrium... I think.

    "The Gemini" said:
    I have played notrium since v. 1.2, and I DID NOT NOTICE THAT!!!!
    O man.

    Or is the second tazor only in werivar mod??
    Yes, I'm pretty sure I added that. So that you can have more than one if needed.

    "Eddeshun" said:
    The game is a bit unbalanced, raiden. It is mostly geared toward the Werivar... if you play as the werivar,
    This is also why I am soing the story based mod now. This way you have to play with them all, with the werivar doing the ahrder sections of the mod. The reason the werivar is, and always will be unbalanced, is because I love wolves. I am biased, and thus find it difficult to balance the character. Since to me he seems perfect as he is.

    @Grim: Have you ever played my mod? Just wondering.

    Progress: None extra. Got the answers I wanted today, have a lot of work ahead. Expect more progress after the weekend.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    how do u summon da shop i prush use with 2 skill tokens ???? HELP ME
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    @nosboi: Do you have TWO (2) of that? You need two levels. Then you need use two times special skill, then appears in inventory $ <--this. Of course two times. Use one and then you will see new skills
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    [quote="UberWaffe@Grim: Have you ever played my mod? Just wondering.
    Actually I have, although I just played once and didn't do much. Just started the game, went to the pod, crashlanded on Notrium, went left and got killed by a red alien.
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Actually I have, although I just played once and didn't do much. Just started the game, went to the pod, crashlanded on Notrium, went left and got killed by a red alien.

    Went to the pod? You didn't played any version, but the latest?

    Great, i am Mature Green Alien
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    I sometimes tried an earlier one, but can't remember how far I got...
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Hey yes i do have 2.... the refund $ appears and dats it!!!!
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    @nosboi: If you have only refund, then you are low level and can't have any other special skill at this time. Grow up a little and try again. What character you play?
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    My computer is up and running at it's full potential again, after 2 months (I had a virus)... I can now help with making graphics, if any are needed.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    "eddeshun" said:
    My computer is up and running at it's full potential again, after 2 months (I had a virus)... I can now help with making graphics, if any are needed.

    Yes, yes, me! Look in the Prison world thread, I have posted a request there![/OT]

    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Actually I have, although I just played once and didn't do much. Just started the game, went to the pod, crashlanded on Notrium, went left and got killed by a red alien.

    Well, if you have only played it once, you are surley missing one of the greatest mods ever. You MUST try it properly, it is so good!

    [OT] By the way, Grim, do you play Empire Earth 2?[/OT]
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    [OT] @Gemini: No, I've never played it, nor do I believe I ever will. The only RTS games I have gotten myself into are C&C games (mostly Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge, though I have played C&C: Tiberian sun + Firestorm and I own a copy of Red Alert 1), StarCraft and Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne. And where did this question about EA2 come from? [/OT]
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    [OT] @Grim: I played against one guy there, that had the name Grim Reaper. Just wanted to check, Earth is not as big as it used to be
    Ronsibaby 19 years ago
    I thought that the Hermit could have a garden, with a regrowing heal and electric plant there, to help you out early on in the game when the hermit's house is your base. You could change the journal a little bit to reflect that aswell.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Hi i have had no internet i use muman and new guy... i understand now i think thx its cool besides your guy always being slow and blue( cold in scripts ) so i had to delete cold and hot from scripts.dat

    But now its cool cant wait to try out

    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    "nosboi" said:
    i understand now i think thx its cool besides your guy always being slow and blue( cold in scripts ) so i had to delete cold and hot from scripts.dat
    You must have version 1.34 (or higher) of Notrium. Other wise the new cold/heat scripts do not work correctly.

    Not much time to post now. I'll be back later.

    Progress: Not much, not any at all actually. Having trouble fixing all the effects 16 to give items to correct inventories.... *Sigh* Hope to have more time next weekend.
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    thx for that i thought i had .34 but o well i dont care bout hot cold anyways

    keep at it
    ville 19 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    Progress: Not much, not any at all actually. Having trouble fixing all the effects 16 to give items to correct inventories.... *Sigh* Hope to have more time next weekend.

    Don't be let down, I'm sure some other modders might come up with an idea for the inventory thingy.
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    "ville" said:
    Don't be let down, I'm sure some other modders might come up with an idea for the inventory thingy.
    Ironic, since that would NOW mean more work than just finishing my current bypass for it.

    Still very busy and have made very little progress.

    I am however edging towards the completion of the alien's section of the game. (Still large amounts of testing required. And thus bug fixing).

    But I would like to hear from you what you feel would be an appropriate goal set for the alien.

    Currently the goal for the alien (before moving on to next race 'stage') is achieving full evolution and bringing two of your queens to the hive (one blue and one brown). (I am adding that your kidz can grow up to be queens... or princessess... or something.) Do you feel this is adequate? Need something more? What? (Keep in mind that the human, droid, werivar, psionic all still need something left to do. So I need most of the other normal endings remain for them. Basically, I am asking if you want a new objective and thus a new ending.)

    Be patient. Real life, the world, and the university is currently doing a marvellous job at conspiring to keep me from modding.

    Edit: Eddeshun, it seems AsdMaster gave up on making an image for the refinery. Do you feel up for it? Post a link to your result(s) in the thread. I'll check it out and see if I can use it.
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    will do Im also gonna make a cryo-freezer for someone else who requested an image. Expect something from me over this weekend.
    Relativity17 19 years ago
    Made a refinery image. Seems too big though, need to adjust the size of the refinery.

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