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  • Creating Games

    AsdMaster 20 years ago
    I have tried to create games with many game making programs, and none worked.

    The way you created notrium, the forge, bikez, and megabane was great

    how did you do it
    slyvenafan 20 years ago
    I know NOTHING about game making apart from it takes heaps of hard work and concentration and can't happen overnight.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    If you meant a text based game I'm now making a levelup module. No gfxs at all. Plain old components. Uses Delphi but I can give you alghorithms if you want. Just mail me.
    eug1404 20 years ago
    Check out <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> , very good site, recommended by Ville himself on multiple ocassions.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    I can write code myself, it's the other elements that screw me over. If I don't require in-depth graphics or 3-d models, then yes I can create a game from scratch.
    eug1404 20 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I can write code myself, it's the other elements that screw me over. If I don't require in-depth graphics or 3-d models, then yes I can create a game from scratch.
    I think his question was directed at Ville, considering he goes "You created bikez II etc...." "how did you do it".
    AsdMaster 20 years ago
    Actully I was asking the public, because I don't really know who created them.
    ville 20 years ago
    That would be me wouldn't it. There's a bunch of info floating around the forums on what tools each game took. If you would like to know about a specific aspect of one of the games, I'd be all too happy to answer.
    AsdMaster 20 years ago
    So you see

    I want to create a game I found tons of game creators but one is
    junky the other is too complicated, and so on and so forth.

    Since you created a bunch of good games, I want good advice, which was the exact game making program you used to make the Notrium.

    "And Mage King how can you write codes from scratch"
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    He used (in most cases) Visual C++ (some version, can't remember which), and coded the games himself, so no game creating apps per se.
    AsdMaster 20 years ago
    OK but which company made the (Visual c++),

    Can you give me a full name
    AsdMaster 20 years ago
    One more thing why does the topic's name say moved and it doesn't show the right amount of replies can you fix it VILLE or one of you collegues.

    you do have control over this website

    don't you?
    eug1404 20 years ago
    ASDmaster Visual C++ 6.0 is what Ville used, but it isn't a game making tool, it's a compiler, and you have to know the C++ programming language for it to be usefull.
    Here's a good site to get you started Tutorial
    But keep in mind it'll take you years to get profficient enough to program something like Notrium.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Visual C++ 6.0 (the version Ville uses) can be bought from Microsoft for several hundred dollars. To my knowledge, Ville uses this for all C++ compiling. I don't know what text editor he uses for the coding, but that can also be done in Visual C++.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    Visual C++ 6.0 (the version Ville uses) can be bought from Microsoft for several hundred dollars.
    Or you can just use a friend who works there to get it from the company store for about a hundred bucks.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Or one of the free compilers which are just as good as the microsoft version.
    eug1404 20 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    Visual C++ 6.0 (the version Ville uses) can be bought from Microsoft for several hundred dollars
    Actually i believe they stopped selling 6.0, but if you are after a cheap compiler(but for some reason don't want to use Bloodshed Dev-c++) try and get the student edition, it's MUCH MUCH cheaper than standard, under a hundred dollars.
    LastDay 20 years ago
    Only thing I could do for a game are graphics, and I've only made them by heavily modifying existing pictures.

    Good excample would be my avatar... it used to be a white human skull (or plastic used for education, can't remember)

    I just take large picture, modify it and then make lines smoother.

    Then I shrink it so you can't see the lines anymore.
    AsdMaster 20 years ago
    So ahhh... I have a compiler from bloodshed but can anyone of you give me a code to copy and paste and see if something works
    eug1404 20 years ago
    Here's the begging code that is usually the first thing a tutorial will start you on:

    //include this file for cout
    #include <iostream.h>

    int main() {

    //print out the text string, "Hello, World!"
    cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;

    return 0;


    It's reffered to as the 'Hello World' program, i wonder why .

    You should really check out:
    C++ Beginners Tutorial
    you don't need any programming experience to work through that tutorial, but if your like me(you like a more "hands-on" approach) you go through the first few tutorials(still take you a few weeks/months) then just go off on your own and only use the tutorial/s as referrence(i made a text-based adventure program).
    AsdMaster 20 years ago
    Yeah I already learned that one, don't you have something a bit more complex. like a program, or game.

    Why is everyone a "blue alien queen".
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Because we have posted so many posts.

    But I tell you, do NOT post spam to make yourself one.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Because most of the Blue Alien Queens did to get there.

    I made a calculator in C++ for my own use once. Euclid's GCD is expressed on sites in a 5-character variable-babble talk that I can't figure out in C++. I haven't done anything in C++ for a while, so I don't think I'll get around to it any time soon.

    On another subject, we're getting pretty off topic here. Soon enough, a mod's going to lock it.
    AsdMaster 20 years ago
    I am trying to use blender 3d but it is extremely difficult to use.

    Got any advise?

    And why is EUG1404 a marine leader?
    Is he higher or lower than a blue alien queen?
    Idiota 20 years ago
    "AsdMaster" said:
    I am trying to use blender 3d but it is extremely difficult to use.

    Got any advise?

    And why is EUG1404 a marine leader?
    Is he higher or lower than a blue alien queen?
    you can always just count how many blue balls someone has to the right of the big blue ball with the picture in it. Yes, the queen is higher ranked then the marine leader.
    Amarth 20 years ago
    "AsdMaster" said:
    I am trying to use blender 3d but it is extremely difficult to use.

    Got any advise?

    Download the video tutorials (google blender video tutorials, they are somewhere on the main blender site iirc). They are extremely valuable. Make notes of them, especially the shortcuts you see used, and the concepts you're not sure you'll remember. Practise a lot, play around. Ask questions. Check out the Elysiun forum at Post when you have questions, admire the finished projects section. Learn to admire the wonderful options blender is offering: animations, toon shaders, particle effects, game engine... You possibly don't need any of those, but they are extremely cool to just look at. It proves what a wonderful tool Blender is.
    And, last but not least, have fun with it . When it's not fun, you'll never learn a thing.

    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    "AsdMaster" said:
    And why is EUG1404 a marine leader?
    Is he higher or lower than a blue alien queen?

    You can tell the position of a rank in the hirearchy by looking at the number of 'bubbles/blobs/balls' next to the image.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "AsdMaster" said:
    And why is EUG1404 a marine leader?
    Is he higher or lower than a blue alien queen?

    You can tell the position of a rank in the hirearchy by looking at the number of 'bubbles/blobs/balls' next to the image.
    And their post count...
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "AsdMaster" said:
    And why is EUG1404 a marine leader?
    Is he higher or lower than a blue alien queen?

    You can tell the position of a rank in the hirearchy by looking at the number of 'bubbles/blobs/balls' next to the image.
    And their post count...

    Which is only visible in their profile section.
    Flikerator 20 years ago
    If C++ is your first language all I can say is good luck. For lots it is there first, for many more they start and turn away and leave coding forever. In our class we started with "TURING" Which is very simple, I would have prefered to to start in C but we didnt...

    When I master Turing I will start on C if we dont start it next year.

    As for the question yes I can make games from scratch.

    If you need help with C there is an okay Forum at; click on the link, then on "C" to the left side. They also have other programming languages there (VB, Turing, Jav)
    ville 20 years ago
    Also, if you're looking for an easy to understand programming language and environment, try SmallTalk. There's a free IDE for it called Squeak.
    Flikerator 20 years ago
    So ville did you build Notrium from the ground up or did you use other engines to help you out?
    ville 20 years ago
    Mainly the Grim graphics engine, it also include input controls. Nothing else really, just plain old coding.
    Flikerator 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    just plain old coding.

    My Favourite kind

    For my games the hardest will be graphics, I don't have much of a drawing skill and I don't think I want to make my gf draw all my stuff (Shes got skillz).

    Is there anyway around getting alright graphics and not being able to draw? (Without getting someone else to draw them of course).
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    Can a moderator PLEASE delete all of AsdMaster's VOTE 2005 spam? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

    Anyway, on-topic, creating games is really fun when you get into it. If anyone has a TI-92+ or VTI with a 92+ ROM, I would love to share some of the simple-yet-complex games I've made.
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