Don't post Default Notrium bugs here ! It's for modders !
I made this topic for several reasons:
- to make sure I won't make any of this mistakes again, - to show people what they should not do, - to create a place where people can ask for help with debugging (you may paste some code, preferably short and only important bits) - to create a place where you can share debugging tips ---------------------------- Very important rules:
I Thou shalt not leave any blank lines in Notrium dat files. Most probably Notrium won't even load.
II Each effect has to have 4 parameters, even if not all actually mean something. Forgetting this leads to a crash.
1. If your creature is invisible, and you're sure you've set right texture - it's probably too small or weights very few (happened to me when I set weight and size to 0.3 blue alien)
2. If your creature doesn't fire, check all ammo/bar-consuming effects. Simply setting small blue alien weapon to rapid fire pistol won't do.
3. Some effects don't have counter-effects to disable them. (Notrium 1.33, prerelease 1.34) In such case the easiest way to turn them on-off is to make a wieldable item with this effect. Examples: 8 light level addition (turns on, forever...), player controls creature, creature picks up creature...
(I'll write more when I make/recall more mistakes)
Thread made sticky by Quanrian. This information will be included in the next version of the Modding FAQ with full credit to the thread creator especially and all those that contribute. Please, for this reason make your posts as clean and ledgible as possible. I 'may' edit your posts to make them more ledgible.