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  • Impalpable Eidolon (Version 0.9 Under Development)

    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I'm working on a side project that is completely from scratch. However I don't want to give anything away just yet. I can tell you if I can manage it to some degree it just may break some boundaries on what people believe is possible with modding Notrium. For now I'd just like to introduce you to Quis.

    The main character Quis

    So there he is and when I have some gameplay shots I'll possibly post those too.

    I'm posting the link for the latest build of the mod. If the link doesn't work for you I'm sorry, that's just geocities for you. Do not direct link to the download. Please go to the webpage itself and download from there. There are some minor problems like walking animation suddenly not work on version 1.34 pre release, but it should work more or less flawlessly on 1.33. Either way it's still entirely playable on both versions.

    Latest Impalpable Eidolon Build
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Seems interesting, is he made out of water?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I'm not sure yet and I'm not sure I wont redesign his texture map eithe. However I've already hit a sizeable snag that I'm going to have to work around, but that was expected. I haven't seen Ville on the board these past few days otherwise he could probably help me figure it out. Currently I'm in a very early pre-beta build so hopefully in a few days I'll have some shots, but that is only if I can work through the problems.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Am I close if I say that Quis can change form?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Yes, you would be correct, though I'm going to remain vague for now. Suffice to say the character will change forms in a manner of speaking. Essentially this did start as a tech demo however, so no plot or real deep thinking went into it yet. So I'm not going to be able to answer many questions yet, however I'll try to answer any questions I get.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    Your mod has been added to the library!
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I've made some signifigant strides forward. Which basically means I had some ideas and I actually got them to work . I'm using alot of custom designs since just about everything I'm doing so far isn't supported and we're talking really basic stuff.

    I don't really see any signifigant interest yet so I'm not going to give out anything too concrete yet unless it appeals to a question asked. General questions will be met with just as much of a general response . I will however say that the gameplay type is going to be a beat-em up. I'll probably have a demo soon and I'll decide how I want to have it tested.

    I wish you all a happy holidays.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    A Notrium-style beat-them-up? That seems almost to good to be true. Are there going to be melee weapons or special fighting techniques?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    A Notrium-style beat-them-up? That seems almost to good to be true. Are there going to be melee weapons or special fighting techniques?

    Well my first concern and main concern is making it work. Believe it or not this posed a decent problem considering I am 'not' using a top down perspective. So far what I've managed is walking, one attack and collision detection. So all that happens in my current build is a red sphere flys at you, you either punch it and break it or it shatters against you. Apparently however creatures, even those set to exact degrees 'will not' move in a perfectly straight line.

    So the further away I place the sphere the lower it ends up being when it finally gets to the player. I consider this a glitch in the hardcoding of the controls, because by all rights a creature moving in a straight line should remain moving straight. It's important to note that the creature itself does not change direction, instead it moves slightly down as if being gradually pushed in that direction. I even drew a single pixel thick arrow on the creature to make sure it wasn't changing direction and it didn't, it merely drifted downwards for some reason.

    I've got alot of ideas of how I'll setup the combat once I get it going. The computer AI enemies are going to be a whole new obstacle in and of themselves. Either way the main factor for gameplay is going to be timing. I do plan on having more than one attack and more than one way to reduce and/or avoid attacks from enemies. There is some definate possibility of using the item combination to create new attacks.

    My main goal is to make some fun and playable that others can use as a template for mods that are not restricted to the Top-Down perspective, which frankly I believe destroys alot of the 3d perspective on rendered objects.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    I cannot picture the game in front of me right now, but it all sounds interesting and it makes me curious. I can't wait to see some results, so I hope they'll be there soon. Don't let haste go ate hte cost of quality though, I do have SOME patience
    michael 20 years ago
    It sounds hard to change the view point.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "michael" said:
    It sounds hard to change the view point.

    It's a very big pain in the butt, however it is possible. You have to be willing to do all the extra coding and rearranging. Obviously I could use an effect or two to make it alot easier, but I'm working with what is there.

    At this point I've got a spawner sending out spheres that you can bust and it destroys itself when you get to close and doesn't work until you get close enough. The one really good thing about the way I'm doing things is that it allows me to setup combinations. I'm going to rely heavily on the keyboard and I'll probably only use the mouse for the inventory but I'm not sure about that yet. As I said I want to make sure it all works alright before I go nuts.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    This things sounds very interesting.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    It's got a long ways to go before it's turned into something beyond a simple tech demo. What I've got right now is basically going to serve as the foundation. So for that reason I'm keeping it fairly simple for now to make sure things are as solid as possible. So now it's just a matter of what I can manage
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Notrium in side view...

    How did ya do it???

    Crazy 20 years ago
    this is really getting interesting...
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    this is really getting interesting...

    Hopefully more than just interesting when it's further along than it is now. Mind you I've only worked on this for less than a week so far. I hope to add at least one enemy with a decent form of AI once I have more actions setup for the main character.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Notrium in side view...

    How did ya do it???

    ville 20 years ago
    I'm back from my holidays now, and I've been successfully telling Quanrian this is both insane and impossible. I hope he won't listen to me.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    succesfully? You mean it had some effect?
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    No no no, he just succceeded in TELLING Quan that it's blah blah blah.
    He didn't say that Quan listened.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Well I asked Ville for some changes, but I found ways around them. So I actually haven't stopped, and while it isn't perfect it's definately playable by all means. The collision detection isn't perfect due to frame skipping, but even the default bullet collision isn't 100%. So I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made. Currently though there isn't a game yet. I could probably make a single level demo, but I'm not at that point just yet. It is very possible to do a side-scroller, but you need to be aware of certain limitations you partake by changing the perspective.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Fantastic ! I solved the frame skipping problem which fixed the collision detection. I can now easily punch without any frame skipping. I'm probably going to try and add some more animations to the main character and than possibly try some dynamic linking of animations to allow one to flow into another. So things like combination moves that require timed presses should be possible.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Is Quis going to be able to jump and crouch/duck?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Is Quis going to be able to jump and crouch/duck?

    I've already got the crouching animation done, so definately on that. I did plan on jumping, but I'm not sure what I'll really use it for just yet. I know I wanted at least a jump kick as an alternate attack and I'll probably add in a combination punch. As I mentioned in my last post I fixed the frame skipping so all the animations should be as smooth as silk, or rather as smooth as they're intended
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    First: Tell me how you did the view-changing!
    Second: RELEASE AN ALFA OR A BETA!!!!!!

    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I'm keeping things very low key for now. There wouldn't be much to show now. I'll probably release something when I've at least got a single level done.
    Crazy 20 years ago
    'keep it low'?!?!?!?! in a forum with only some 20 active members?!
    ville 20 years ago
    I've had the priviledge of seeing this, and truly it seems you can do side scrollers with the engine! Astonishing!
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago

    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    'keep it low'?!?!?!?! in a forum with only some 20 active members?!

    20 active members is actually pretty good by the way. Alot of the forums I've been to have far less than that active in their roster. As I said I'll tell more when more is completed. I've been working on more animations for the main character. I'll still keep you guys updated on progress, but honestly I am not that far along yet. To recap for those who haven't been following here is what I've accomplished.

    [list] Side Perspective rather than Birds Eye/Top Down.

    Walking animation.

    One attack animation.

    Collision detection for attack.

    Collision detection for creature or player being too close to one another. This prevents the mod from using the circular collision detection creatures default to which would cause problems.

    Frame skipping with animations was alleviated and timing is now as accurate as it's ever going to get.

    Simple spawner to create a moving drone to practice the single attack on. This is how I was able to tweak the speed of the attack animation.

    A very simplist horizon. I'll more than likely spruce this up later.[/list:u]

    That really is all there is for now. I don't even have an animated enemy or any kind of AI other than the sphere goes forward on it's own. So for that reason I'm not ready to release anything yet. I'd like it at least to semi-resemble a classic side-scroller beat-em up because I certainly wont be able to do everything that was accomplished back than.

    Grim, breath man, I will eventually post a demo, you'll just have to wait till than
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Haven't really made a huge amount of progress, but it's still progress. I added a posture change from standing to ducking. I got the posture change onto a single key and to boot into a single effect block set which was a little trickier than I originally thought it was going to be. The character rolls instead of walks when in a ducking posture allowing for a quicker movement. I may remove the rolling at a later time.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    Are you ever going to tell me how you made the view change from eagle-eye mode?
    roburky 20 years ago
    Bloody hell, Grim Reaper. Give it a rest. Wait for him to show you rather than tell you.
    ville 20 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Are you ever going to tell me how you made the view change from eagle-eye mode?

    Just draw the picture of the creature from side perspective. That's all there is to it. The real problem is limiting the movement to the right dimensions, and not making the creature turn wherever the mouse points at.
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