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Forum » Really dumb question, sorry

Really dumb question, sorry

t-bird 20 years ago
How on earth do I actually open a new game? I'm new to this sort of game, and I genuinely don't know the answer.

Crazy 20 years ago
erm... what do you mean? in game? or at the start screen? in game i think youre supposed to point up left and you'll see a drop down menu. but in the main menu i belive there's a big button with "new game" written on it.
ville 20 years ago
After that you will see some dialog text, you need to click the arrow that points right. I know it may be non-intuitive, especially if you're the right-to-left reading kind.
t-bird 20 years ago
I am at the start screen, and there's a ?feather type pointer that, when it is on the text, shows up, but when its anywhere else I cant see it.

Also, when the feather-thing is on the text there's a circle thing to the left of the text but it disappears when the feather-thing comes close to it.

I've tried left-clicking, right-clicking and double-clicking but nothing happens!
ville 20 years ago
Sounds like there are graphical problems too. It might be that your graphics card is not compatible with the game. If that is the case, there's not much you can do.
Dex Stewart 18 years ago
After starting a new game you get to a screen where you are supposed to choose name, speciality and picture for the monks. Like t-bird I tried clicking over all and nothing happened(except when clicking on continue; I got to a journal(?) or something with NO text and also tried clicking on the right arrow... still nothing happened).

I don't think I have problems with my grapfic card, because the setup for the game recognizes it.
Crazy 18 years ago
Considering that the last post in this thread was made about 2 years ago, it's not of much use to give more tips or directions anymore. -.-
Forum » Really dumb question, sorry

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