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  • The Werivar Expansion Mod.

    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Since nobody else seemed about to unveil anything expanding on the Werivar mod.... Here ya go, "The Werivar Expansion": 0.5

    Aside from a few subtle tweaks to balance the races, the main introduction is of a new Scavenger alien, whose progression I intended to be almost completely customisable, with multiple long range, melee, crowd control and armour modules all creatable from base components. Be warned, the scavenger is a lot harder to start out with than the other characters, just the way I likes it.

    Whilst in future I intend there to be more areas, more technology, and essentially more of everything; carrying on from where the Werivar mod left off, at current, beyond the new race, it just works to rebalance the existing races by changing the technology they can use.

    Feel free to try it out and tell me what you think, especially about the new character. If you find any bugs, tell me and I'll sort them out as soon as possible. Feedback is the only way I'll learn.

    To emphasise: In order to download this mod, check Harwe's Signature. This mod has been discontinued in the face of losing all related files, but major features will be used in the planned Notrium Final Mix project.

    There is no guarantee previous versions will still be available, however Harwe is very kindly hosting several versions himself, check his sig and maybe you'll be lucky (Though why you'd want old versions is beyond me).

    Changes from the Werivar Mod:

    * Warp Drill Gun's damage and stun time reduced, and the gun itself made harder to access. It's still awesome.
    * Power Prism Crystals can no longer be used directly to power equipment.
    * Many items of technology are now useable by all but the psionic.
    * Batteries, extensions and other technological means of manipulating battery supplies are only available to the Female alien, the human, and the android, the only characters with technological power supplies.
    * Scavenger character added. The name is open to change, given the possibility of a cool enough name being thought of.
    * The welding torch now emits light when used and attracts attention when you use it. It's still awesome.
    * More weapons, more items, and more combinations.
    Arawak 18 years ago
    Well since I just read through the original waffle thread and read your post i have some comments.

    The idea about having seprate devours for each alien is nice but i would like to see it as a leveled trait as level one is small blues, level two is big blues.

    Also while I was playing the game today I noticed that the werivar couldn't mine and for that matter the human, so I went and looked at the code and found a bug a BIG bug to be exact.


    7;//item class
    It is a shovel. Used in gathering sand from a sand mound.;//short description
    none;//first pick up text
    0.300000;//size on map
    0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    20;//particle to shown on radar
    1;//visible in inventory 0=no (can only be used via quick keys), 1=yes
    tool1.png;//texture name
    -1;//wielded script,-1=nothing, only applicable for wieldable items
    -1;//wielded item disabling script, -1=nothing, this script is only checked for conditions while the item is wielded, if the conditions prove false, the item is unwielded
    1;//show help text for conditions
    You need to be close to a sand mine to use this.;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    use.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    U;//use key
    -1;//quick key
    139.000000;//condition parameter1
    50.000000;//condition parameter2
    0.000000;//condition parameter1
    0.000000;//condition parameter2
    4.000000;//condition parameter1
    5.000000;//condition parameter2
    16;//effect number
    4;//effect number
    You need to be close to a sand mine to use this.;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    use.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    U;//use key
    -1;//quick key
    139.000000;//condition parameter1
    50.000000;//condition parameter2
    2.000000;//condition parameter1
    0.000000;//condition parameter2
    1.000000;//condition parameter1
    20.000000;//condition parameter2
    16;//effect number
    4;//effect number

    see anything wrong? I do

    0.000000;//condition parameter1
    0.000000;//condition parameter2
    4.000000;//condition parameter1
    5.000000;//condition parameter2

    waffe got this part wrong

    condition three refers to the players "bars" but its used like condtion six. It refers to the id of a player race four and five being human and werivar respectivley thus making mining an impossible task.
    Might want to fix that like I did with mine just now.

    Also I would LOVE to help make Werivar More like what you made in your post.

    Chock full of ideas.

    I got an eye for mistakes.

    More free time than you can chuck pebbles at (eg:Homeschooled, Mom was a high school math teacher so I HAVE to do it though)

    And I have Some experience in modding but "medicine man" had unforseen complications

    Edit:ARGH!!! IT BURNSS!!!! (Ima try to fix the tools)

    Edit2:Bah waffe got more right than I knew
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    The separate devour idea is something I still may do, depending on how playtesting goes. I have found that with "small blue" devour with the Scavenger things are much easier than the current "brown only"
    variety, though I suppose that could be reconciled by lowering the bonuses given by the various levels of devour, just making all corpses more useful to the Scavenger and Stowaway. Good idea, I'll see about testing that change and see if it changes anything.

    I'll admit when I first saw the shovel details, I thought you were referring to its item id; if it's from the expansion it really should be item id 8, not 7, or I've already made a mistake.

    Anyways, I'm certainly very happy for your help, what would be great currently would be if you could look through the expansion mod and checking through for any errors I've made and tell me. Any ideas you have are appreciated.
    J.C 18 years ago
    played a bit and the new alien is pretty good, but the combinations can get confusing.
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Sorry about that, I should set up "hint" items like the Psionic's reminders so people have some guidance as to what they can do. For now.... I guess just experiment. Thanks for commenting, I'll work on reminders shortly.
    J.C 18 years ago
    i got ideas for wepons, if its possible you couuld use an alien courps to make wepons, like a realy strong sword from its claws. just a thought and if you decide to use this idea try to use the swinging affect like in the doom mod, (swing affect is in the modding library i think).
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Wow. I literally made a claws item for the large brown alien and a close combat weapon from it for android and human just last night. Having just tried the Aleryon sword though.... I think I prefer it. I'll have to have a go at making a two handed sword of my own now.

    Tomorrow I'll put up a new version with upgraded devours, combination guides for the Scavenger, and fixed tools, as soon as I've finished a blade, and maybe implemented a time limit for escaping the Explorer.
    J.C 18 years ago
    yeah the doom mod has realy good ideas like the thermo heat goggles, and the dual pistols.
    this mod seems realy good i say it should be hosted on this website, and redemptions doom mod
    J.C 18 years ago
    BIG BUG!!!!

    i cant equip the fire extingwesher with the psionix
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "notruim_fanboy" said:
    BIG BUG!!!!
    [English]I can't equip the fire extinguisher with the psionic.[/English]
    Big Bug!
    You didn't speak English!

    If I am trying that? Dunno, I'll just wait a little more.
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Damn psionics and their abnormal abilities! Fixed. The Psionic can now wield the fire extinguisher, and any other tools that are universal items. Thanks for telling me.

    New download on the main post.


    * The Scavenger gains "instincts" instruction items for most combinations available to it as it levels.
    * A certain alien can be used for more than just eating.
    * Thanks to Arawak pointing it out, the shovel, pick and hammer can now all be used by every race but the psionic.
    * Normal rations can be upgraded by a certain rarely used item....
    * Now the Stowaway and the Scavenger both gain advanced Devours that allow them to devour at least small blue, blue and brown aliens for better results than before.
    * New weapons: Battle Claw, Gauntlet, StarSword, Laser Rifle.
    * Bug fixed: Welding torch was causing enemies to stand still when hit, increased "noise" to 1, seems fine now.
    * Rather hacked down the Werivar. Sorry wolf-fans, a starting character should not be able to fight three brown aliens at once without dodging and win with more than half health remaining, nor at any level regenerate more health than they lose to boss level damage. Currently I've left his abilities pretty much unchanged until I have a chance to test them out more thoroughly.
    * Fixed the Scavenger pod minigame.
    * The Explorer is now full to the brim with useful things... But will explode in under half a minute. Gather everything you can, or flee for safety?
    * Some other things I have forgotten.

    Soon to come: Some other stuff!
    eddeshun 18 years ago
    This mod is pretty good

    Sucks that aliens clumping up later in the game hasnt been fixed though
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Aww, I kinda liked the swarms of aliens charging at you without mercy. I guess I'll have to have a look for the spawning scripts and see if I can fix it. Or at least make it less frequent.
    harwe 18 years ago
    Odd.... on the v.5 I couldnt evolve any higher than lvl 0 since when i combined store and evolve it didnt do anything.... maybe you fixed it on the .6 version
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    That's very strange. When you combine Store and Evolve, you should receive a Hibernate token at the bottom of your inventory. Use that to gain a level.
    harwe 18 years ago
    Just checked, nope
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Hm. It works perfectly for me. Does it work on 0.6? Does anyone else have the problem where combining Store and Evolve doesn't give them a "hibernate" item?
    harwe 18 years ago
    that works
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    This mod is great, i think adding more food resources would be good because its hard as scavanger to get food. Maybe tree which spawns food may be good( i did seen it somewhere)
    patrickul87 18 years ago
    i cant download the expansion is there another site!!!!!!!!!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "patrickul87" said:
    i cant download the expanshion is there another site!!!!!!!!!
    That was the only one. It simply expired because he used the cheap hosting thingymabobbler. He'll re-upload it to a better one... eventually. Just calm down, and hope that E didn't beat me to you, because he'd complain about your grammar and provide no help at all.
    Lord Windgrace 18 years ago
    Well its a great mod, and i played the Scavenger now a little, and he´s very nice, but i found a bug wich takes the fun away, at least when you can not resist. >.<

    Dire Reapers Corpse can´t be eaten, or better, they can only be eaten when you are damaged and, they don´t vanish,

    and....i couldn´t resist, put my little lvl 7 or8? Scavenger into a fire, waitet till i was heat stroked and then eat a corpse and again and again and again, because i wanted to know the other upgrades you can get, well i still think (i was lvl 14 when i stopped) that greater Fire Breath is the best weapon^^ because the volcanic Sprey is nice, but its hard to aim and you have to put too much energy into it, its easyer to wait till they are near and than use flame breath, one or two times which costs only1-2 Energy>.<,
    just wanted to tell you.^^ mmh i will never forgive myself^^
    harwe 18 years ago
    "patrickul87" said:
    i cant download the expanshion is there another site!!!!!!!!!
    check my sig, it goes to that link i uploaded the some of the mods, I just found it and hope its useful
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I think you have to turn on file sharing for that storage box thing. In other words, it doesn't work..
    harwe 18 years ago
    what the.... i turned it on.... hold on, lemme check

    odd... i thought i had that done..... musta made a typo while typing cuz it works b4 the url up

    try it now
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Nuklearni - More food: Have you tried going to the mining area, making yourself a welding torch and opening all the containers? The food from rations should kick start your evolution until you have a means of dealing with (and benefitting from) aliens without any hassle. If that's not enough, try mixing your rations with something extra to give it a bit of a kick...

    Anonymous1157 - Any ideas for hosting? I'd sooner not send this to Ville until it's a tad more complete.

    Iswick - Heat stroke stops you from using up corpses? O.o Well that's a pretty serious bug. I could stop letting you eat/devour when your temperature is above/below -/+80 I guess.... Meh, later, it's the holidays. Glad you did though, nobody else has reached levels high enough to comment on things.

    Dire Reapers being unusable is something I've noticed and have just been too lazy to deal with before, it will be fixed in the next version, and hopefully won't bug a hundred other things when it is. I think it's an artifact from when Waffe tried to stop overuse of the Dire Reapers health increase.

    As for best scavenger weapon.... I prefer the Nightmare Claws myself. But your comments on Volcanic Spray are noted, I've lowered the cost and the spread. It still shouldn't be completely superior to the Greater Fire Breath, since it's long range, but it should be a bit more worthwhile now.

    Thanks for your comments.

    Harwe: Thanks for hosting it!

    New version, probably later today if I'm not lazy.
    Lord Windgrace 18 years ago
    well no, i heat stroked myself only, because then i was damaged and i could use the dire reaper corpses, which you can only use when you are damaged, well i didn´t save my lvl 15 Scavenger, i think i play him normal from lvl 7 again, and use the dire reaper corpses only one time each.

    Thanks for appreciating my comment.

    Other corpses are used up normal, just the dire ones not.

    [Edit] Forgot to say, if you play Human, the dire reaper corpses are eaten normal (they vanish, but you can only use them if you are hurt)
    [Edit2] - more Food@ Nuklearni. You can build a food generator, so just use all the ether you find for generating food.
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    I'm sorry to have fixed Dire Reaper corpses then. They'll now disappear normally.

    And.... A new version for you all.

    * Stowaway rage is now limitted to one use at a time. (Sorry Rage abusers, it works now.)
    * The Stowaway can now gain its final level by sitting in the Hive. Previously the cap was 1600.
    * Lowered Stowaway Temperature sensitivity, sitting around under a tree all night is not fun.
    * New weapon - Double Barrel Pebble Shotgun (I'm such a softy.)
    * New spawn points for Dire Reapers, and Gorge Reaper and Insectoid spawns introduced. (Not that much of a softy.)
    * New item - Recovery Pack (You'll need a container for something curative.)
    * Reduced the number of Marine Snipers randomly showing up at any one time.
    * VC Stun laser now deals less damage than VC bullets. Hopefully for obvious reasons.
    * Stasis fields no longer increase health by 50 at a time, but instead 1% of your health per second.
    * None of your henchmen regenerate, including the hermit.
    * However, whilst in a stasis field, they all now recover health.
    * Fixed a minor bug preventing the Laser Fence from being built.
    * New Energy Cell and Photosynthetic Armour for the Scavenger through non-Scavenger combinations. (Hint #1: What generates lots of energy?) (Hint #2: If you don't figure out photosynthetic armour on your own I'm ashamed of you.)
    * Dire Reaper Corpses now fixed, restore less health but can be used at full health.

    As ever, see the first post.
    Lord Windgrace 18 years ago
    hooray finally! I can play the Scavenger again!

    But since when are there SO MANY Dire Reapers in the Mining Fields?

    (Before the 0.7 Version) i mean, about 8 or so? I need all Ether(400, Advanced Flamethrower) or use the Wielding Torch Bug (they don´t attack only stand still while the Hermit kills them with the Sniper Pistol) Bit hard^^
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Reapers in the Mining Fields? O.o Do you mean the ore mines et al, or the actual Mining Fields with all the Marines?

    For the former.... I figured the Mines, along with the East Hive base, are "late game" areas, for when you've already established most of what you need to survive, and are looking to go the final step and start making your own gear. By this time, the human and android should both be toting around double pistols and warp guns, the stowaway should be at at least 1600 evo, and the two psionic characterss have most, if not all of their most powerful abilities and allies.... And the Scavenger should be around level 15 with maxed out armour and claws at least.

    That said, it's quite possible I made it a little imbalanced now that Dire Reapers actually respawn (there was previously no real method I could see for Dire Reapers to be generated after they all died) making there be twice as many Dire Reapers in these areas as there was initially, I suggest just skirting these areas until later in the game, I have since the original Werivar.

    On a complete side note, has anyone managed to make themselves/use a StarSword yet? I'm interested in their balance too.
    Lord Windgrace 18 years ago
    I mean the Mining Fields with the Marines......its really hard for my Human, i have to use the Wielding Torch bug, most of the Time because if i would use my Flame Thrower, i would quickly run out of Ether and even with an Enhanced Power Armor and 400 Ether its hard to fight 4 Dire Reapers at the same time....

    mmh well my Scavenger (Lvl7) can easyly survive everywhere, well....not if he runs out of Energy but he got 80 so its rather easy.......i just run Backwards and cover the Dire Reapers in Flames...Mwuhahahahar...hehe..hehe...he..he..mmhh...

    But the Scavenger is a great charackter, really, because he has so low health at the beginning it was really hard to fight in the jungle with the normal reapers, wouldn´t have survived without lightning blast, stun the reaper and then claw him to death or run away, great charackter.
    Till i got firebreath and Nightvision strong and the food problem is solved when you get Hunting Cry+ Greater Fire breath... i love it^^

    [Edit] I think you maybe made a mistacke with the respawn points? because Turrets the random Jungle south of the Ruins.... i´ve got !5! Broken MG Towers just from the jungle, not to mention the three i already salvaged
    harwe 18 years ago
    thats not a bug, at first i thought it was but, i was playing in the regular weviar mod and i think its those weird battle droids and they are very annoying
    btw, what torch bug? unlimited ammo isnt a bug...

    i dont need anything to upgrade for my weapons so all i need is hunting cry and regular claws for normal aliens and probably firebreath/adv claw for everything else, if i need range then ill use lighting blast... ugh i hate these names
    Lord Windgrace 18 years ago
    mmh but they wasn´t there before the Patch, and the Battle driods.. do you mean the Rocketshooting thingis? i met only one in the Miningfield Base. those Turrets in the Jungle are just...normal Turrets like outside the Mining/Missile Base.....

    and with the Torch bug i mean, that my Enemys don´t fight Back, i just torch them and even those i don´t attack don´t attack me, i can kill 8 Dire Reapers that ways if i don´t die off Starvation/Heat/Cold or just boredom

    And Weapon-Upgrades, well, maybe i have written to much, just want to say that with g. Fire-Breath you can kill anything

    And, The Hermit doesn´t use Healing Plant when i bring him to one.
    [Edit] but he does used a Medi-Pack, maybe i was to far away from the plant? And could you make it possible that he also uses Reaper Corpses? i mean after all he lives there for quite a while^^ surely he wouldn´t want to waste them^^
    Nocture17 18 years ago
    Dire Reapers in the mining fields? Turrets in the jungle? Crazy. I'll have a look at that when I'm on my Notrium playin' computer, and have a poke through the DAT files . Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    Hermit.... I'll have to have a looksie at that too, I didn't change anything about him but his automatic health regeneration so it shouldn't have had any effect on his health plant consumption.

    Glad you like the Scavenger, I worked hard with him.
    Incidentally, my own preference is to just get the Omega claws early on, they'll let you easily take down most of the smaller aliens and are the first free claws you can get.
    Lord Windgrace 18 years ago
    I now played the Scavenger again with out bug using, and got easy to lvl 12, but found another Bug, When you Bio-Infuse the Devoure-Skill the second time you should be able to devoure Brown Corpses with T, but nothing happens, i tryied all the other keys as well, but with non can you Devoure the bAC.

    Btw: i Like the Recovery Pack^^
    Btw2: With the Devourer Skill lvl..3-4? when you can eat reaper corpses, does they only give Health-Energy boosts? which are quiet nice^^ (mostly the energyboost for i had shortly 400 Energy^^ lots of roasted Inhabitants^^)

    [Edit1] mmh strange.... i also can´t use the T Ability of the Store...but shortly before that i could?? first i thought that my T Key is broken but as you can Tee it works......>.<

    [Edit1b] This is really bad, because i cannot use Fat+Wahtever to get Infusions, and second, if i´m Starving but have about 15 Units of Fat, i will die by no means... And sometimes its really necessary to deploy the Fat Reserves as for instance you use Quicksilver Exosceleton while fighting in the Hive, where you of course, can just eat some aliens but obviusly its easier to just open the inventory and deploy the Fat a little

    [Edit1c] The Devoure Bug is even worse, for i was happy not to make anymore fires with beacons to grill the Corpses, but now i´m still bound to some places and can´t eat them right away^^

    [Edit2] Found another bugs(lvl16 now ) you cannot equip the biocannon, if you have something in the Slot, it says that it can´t equip because the slot is blocked, and if you take the fI. g.Fire-Breath out, and then try to use the Biocannon, ----->nothing happens<------not even a Message like..What are you trying to do? blasting you head off?

    [Edit3] Nearly forgot to mention, the greater Firebreath roasts Aliens which are further away than its Flame fI:

    Me--------......Alien(burning like hell)
    (- = fire)(. = distance)
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