As we're gearing towards releasing the demo, Driftmoon has been updated to Alpha 8.2. The harder difficulty levels now include more monsters, especially the Guardian level. I don't know how many of you like to play it on the hardest level, but for me it feels a lot more strategic now. Anyone new to the game should definitely play it on the recommended Champion setting.
Game Changelog
The Warlord and the Guardian difficulty levels now include more monsters.
Learned talents are now viewable on a separate tab in the stats screen.
Cheat commands are not enabled by default. Press SHIFT-F1 to enable cheats.
Fixed antidote potion description of the Poison Resistance talent.
Fixed crash when getting stuck in two webs without reloading in between.
Runs better if a graphics card has very little video memory.
Fizz no longer stays behind when you're attacking someone.
Enemies regenerate health outside combat on Warlord and the Guardian difficulty levels. This makes it harder to camp in safe locations, whittling enemies down one by one.
New easter egg in the Bobby-menu. Can you spot it?
Camera is now slightly zoomed out when a ranged weapon is wielded.
Modding Changelog
Bot auto difficulty was getting reset.
Fix angle settings in createBot script.
Script action to change game speed.
Talent selection screen can now automatically fit and centralize up to 8 talent columns and rows, so you can fit up to 64 talents slots!
Bot type selector now has the ability to filter by text.