The mysterious disappearance of!


You're still in the right place! We've changed our name!

It's been seven years now since I started the website, and since that we've grown quite a bit. Well actually not, I've only gained about 10 kg. But I have big plans. For the website I mean, not for my stomach. So I finally started a company, and here we are, at Instant Kingdom! I'm still not doing this full time, and it's just the same old me (Ville) and Anne. But we've got a brand spanking new logo, so we're down with the big guys!

So what's the story behind the name you ask? I've always loved how a good game is like a world in a box. Once you start up the game, you go to a far away land. A land of your own imagination as well as the game designer's. I've always loved to think that game developers are in the business of making Instant Kingdoms.

I've still got tons of links to rename, but I'll leave all that for tomorrow. In the meantime, what do you think of the new name and logo?

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