Thanks to the "motivators" of!


Hi all you active users of!

I (the wife) wanted to give you some feedback. I think it is only fair, since You have an extremely important role in getting Driftmoon done. And I'm not just talking about beta-testing or such. You all playing the games /writing at the forum /sending e-mail, etc. are a big reason for Ville to persistantly work on his games, and try to make them as good as possible! Without players, and such an active gaming community, I think it would be rather pointless to make games - and I know for a fact Ville agrees. It's also great that you bring forth your ideas & question, etc - not all of those can of course be followed/answered, but they are good food for thought, nevertheless.

Before meeting Ville I hadn't quite realized what a huge project making a computer game is (small-time tetris-copies excluded): The support of one loving wife (or even a harem, if Ville happened to be polygamous - to any girls out there wondering, sorry, he's not.) would just not have been sufficient to ever get Driftmoon this far, let alone done. Anyway, as of now, Driftmoon is at a promising stage and progressing nicely. But do still keep edging Ville on, commenting and writing on the forum - it gives Ville motivation to work on the game, and get it done (and I believe it will be Ville's best game by far!).

Hmm. This leaves me with a question: How do independent game makers, especially the ones working alone, ever get their first "big-time" game finished, without a community to support them? Any of you starting game developers out there?

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