Hi everyone! Driftmoon has been updated. The reason is our daughter Laura played the game almost to the very end, learning a difficult new language, and very much wanted to see the game her parents had made. Unfortunately she found out that just before the end of the game all her companions had gone missing, and the game was unsolvable without them. Turns out that it was possible to leave all your companions behind in the warehouse in the docks region, if you quick traveled out of there using the world map. I believe the problem has been there for well over 11 years now, but it's finally fixed. We're very sorry about the bug Laura, thank you for pointing it out!
Here's the changelog:
- Fixed companions going missing when quick traveling from the Nomon Docs warehouse, and other places.
- The little box companion is now unkillable.
- No longer possible to drop to lava from the end game fortress.
- Fix being able to quick travel out of the locked tavern at Northrop.
A year ago I ran a short test with four different Driftmoon icons on the Play Store, and we found out that the icon with the businesslike skeleton was the most interesting one. (The skeleton by the way is Quan Sixfingers, who doesn't have an extra finger on his hand, but rather his wife has hidden some of his fingers due to a strange marital argument). For a year now Anne has been bugging me that the skeleton will make people think this is just another fighting game, so to prevent any trouble like poor Quan is having, I've updated our icon. Posting it here I just now noticed it looks quite a bit like this picture of me and Anne. I wonder what that means.

To celebrate our new icon, I've updated Driftmoon!
New release 1.8.6 also brings some bugfixes:
- Driftmoon is now available on the Microsoft Store!
- Fixed mystery box bug.
- Fix the trapped fly escaping before the player met him near the end fortress.
- Fixed Bill sometimes dying from explosion near the end fortress.
- Fixed Mother Wolf sometimes getting killed before the player even met her.
- Various minor bugs and fixes.
If you bought Driftmoon directly from instantkingdom.com in 2013, you can now acces the Enchanted Edition too. If you've lost the original download link we sent you, just contact us at ville@instantkingdom.com, and we'll help you.
Our favorite game journalist John Walker has started a new site, and Driftmoon got a review! (Ok, he started the site half a year ago, but it was news to us
"(...) as a piece of loveliness, Driftmoon shines. That’s an odd criteria to judge a game by, I agree, but it’s so appropriate here."
Read the full review
Hi! This is Ville and Anne, the developers of Driftmoon. The time for releasing Driftmoon - the Enchanted edition - on multiple platforms is finally here, yay!
If you already own Driftmoon through Steam or GOG, your game will receive the update right now, or really soon. If you haven't yet tried Driftmoon, a big portion of the game is free on all platforms, so give it a go:
We've had a ton of requests about getting Driftmoon on more platforms. Initially we started work on the Enchanted version right back in 2013 when the first version of Driftmoon was released, until life put a temporary stop to our plans (kids, illnesses, money issues, etc). But we never gave up on our dream of finishing the Enchanted version of Driftmoon. Finally, a year ago we had a chance to resume work on Driftmoon again, and we've worked nonstop ever since. For seven years you've been sending us countless encouraging messages, and also tips on how to improve Driftmoon, so happily we haven't run out of encouragement, or of ideas on what to do. Thanks everyone!
What's new compared to the vanilla Driftmoon?
- Driftmoon now runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android - so take out your tablet or your cellphone and head straight for adventure!
- We've added the Mystery Box, full of surprises for both you and your friends!
- New characters, quests, items and skills (through the Mystery Box and elsewhere too)
- Major graphics update: better textures to look better on modern screens, lightmapped shadows, and the lot.
- Updated user interface: easier to use, looks better, and scales better: from your smallest screen to your living room TV. (still including the possibility to adjust text size, etc)
- Tons of bugfixes, dialogue fixes, quest fixes and improvements.
- Improved music, with an extra melody. All music by Gareth Meek - Thank you again, Gareth!
- Gameplay enhancements: quest reminders, Silver feather counter (very useful!), and more.
- The possibility to recover from a broken save (for example if your disk was full).
- And more surprises! Because there's bound to be something cool that we forgot to mention here.😆
For the techinally minded among us, we've ported the old C++ Driftmoon to C# on the Unity platform. We think it was a good choice, although it was a huge amount of work.
What's next for Ville and Anne? Now that Driftmoon is finished, we're hoping to make enough money from it to finally get the chance to focus full-time on making our own games. We already have a list of game ideas some 500 ideas long, but we've narrowed our next pick to two top candidates that sound the most tempting.
We really hope you have fun playing! If you find any problems, please tell us. The easiest way to give us feedback is through the feedback button in the game menu. And most of all, we want to wish all of you good physical and mental health amidst this strange corona struggle that the world is currently going through. Stay safe!